Mitch Lawrence
A son of the West, Mitch is the descendent of pioneers, cowboys and Native Americans. The fourth-generation horseman is a professional rodeo cowboy, licensed racehorse owner and outdoorsman whose career flourished in corporate America. Logging over a million air miles allowed him to read hundreds of books while exploring the world. His point of view is unique, relevant and different from most authors who write historical fiction. Experience matters, and while millions of people observe, photograph or write about the wilds of our American frontier, Mitch has lived it. A cowboy for life, he continues to rodeo, race quarter horses, hunt elk and fix fences.
Senior Vice President Marketing/Sales; Pharma and Software
Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association Competitor
President of Northwest Steer Roping Association
Licensed Racehorse Owner and Trainer
Married to Cammy since college, they have a daughter, a son and three grandchildren. The Lawrences live on a working horse ranch in Idaho.
Vision of the Crow is Mitch’s first novel.